Parmelee Beagles

4 weeks old...

Monday, September 6, 2021 11:54 AM

The puppies are 4 weeks old now and what a week they have had!!! Lets see, we started going outside, started eating meals, had potential family visitors, had a first time down to the lawn and are starting to play with mom, toys and each other and explore… there is a lot to explore! Add in another “official” weighing, de-worming and nail trimming, it’s been a very full week! 3 of the puppies are now reserved, one is under consideration. Only 4 weeks until our little monsters start new lives with their new families. 

This coming week will be more routine, outside for a bit every morning and breakfast, lunch dinner and more play time.

We did decide tht Shelby will have one more litter, whe will retire after that and the puppy families for that litter will need to wait for reservations until we decide which pup is right to stay with us.

This weeks weight gains…all excellent… Highest percentage over birth weight:

Jenny 55 ounces

Taylor 60.5 ounces

Curtiss 62 ounces

Fairchild 62 ounces

Stinson 56.5 ounces

Bellanca 47.5 ounces